Wednesday, April 27, 2011

50k Route

The 50k race will start on the east side of the picnic area near the beach house. 50kers will want to park their cars in front of the beach house as you will run by there at 12 miles and 21.5 miles.
The runners will make a loop around the road in front of the picnic shelters and procede on to the east meadow loop. After about 2 miles you will run through the campground and on to the Chester Lake trail. Follow the Chester lake trail by the beach house, 2.38 miles and out near the park entrance. From hear you will run through the horse trailer parking area on to a minimum maintenance road. At about 4 miles you will turn in to a nice wooded trail that takes you out to a ridge overlooking the Chester Woods valley. At 4.54 miles you will hit the second aid station and continue along the ridge trail. At about 5 miles you will run down a wonderful long gradual hill for .75 miles then you will cross Bear Creek and run alon the edge of the west meadow to aid station three at about 6 miles. The 50k will run on the 10 mile route until mile 7 where you will take a right and do a 1.79 mile loop on the zieman trail on the far south end of the park. This is a beautiful trail running through Aspen groves and hardwood forests with one killer hill in the middle :-) After completing the loops you will arrive back at aid station three, which is now aid station four about 9 miles. You will continue on the old ten mile course through some sand, More hardwood trees, across the creek and up that big dam hill where you will find aid station five 10.5 mile. From the top of the dam overlook you will run along the lake back to the beach house, now aid station 6. At the beach house there are flush toilets, you can grab something out of your car etc... before you start your next loop. Loops two and three do not include the east meadow and campground. Just run down the road and back through the horse trailer parking area to get back on the course. At the end of the third loop run up the hill to picnic shelter # 5 to the finish line. We will have a sign pointing to the finish area.
Check out the links on the right side of the blog for maps and pictures. I would like for 50k runners to attend a short meeting at the Chester Woods fishing area on Friday June 3rd at 6:00PM I will hand out bibs and explain the transition through the picnic area. If you can't make it I'll do a very short version Saturday at 5:45AM.

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