Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Team RED will be taking over the 2016 version of the Chester Woods Races.
Expect to have the same fun you've always had running the beautiful trails of Chester Woods and much, much more.

Monday, June 8, 2015

2015 Results

Jim Onigkeit won the 5k in a time of 19:20... Katie Baures was the female 5k winner in 22:47

Jeff Maclellan of Minneapolis won the 10 mile in 1:02:43

Emily Renner of Lauderdale MN was the female 10 mile winner in 1:12:41

Brian Mansky of Onalaska WI won the 50k in 3:58:37

Becky Brudwick of North Mankato MN was the female 50k winner in a new record time of 4:49:46

Click on link below to view results
Jay Callahan 2nd place age group winner

Friday, May 29, 2015

Chester Woods Races Time Line

* Friday June 3rd  4-7 PM     Pick up packets ( if possible) from Terra Loco 

Saturday June 4th

* 5:00 AM 50k runners arrive and get packets ( if they haven't done so already)  50k runners park as close to the start as possible.

* 6:00 AM 50k start (here)

* 6:10 AM- 7:00 AM    5k and 10 milers arrive PARK IN OVER FLOW AREA ( HERE At 7:00AM we will block off the overflow parking area so 50k runners will have an open road to run on. After 7:00 AM 5k and 10 milers will be directed to park  HERE

BATHROOMS AND SHOWERS ARE HERE (beach house) You are also welcome to use the campground bathroom  and showers HERE

5k and 10 mile late packet pick up is at picnic shelter #5 HERE

* 8:00 AM 5k Start is HERE NOTE: 5k start is different than the 50k and 10 mile. We could move it, but it would be a long 5k  :)  Ha!

* 8:15 AM 10 mile start is the same as the 50k HERE

* 9:00 AM 5k awards (hopefully) in shelter by finish HERE

* 10:30 AM 10 mile awards Finish Line Shelter

* 50k winners will get their awards when they finish :)