Wednesday, June 6, 2012

5k Awards

Here is the complete list of 5k awards with youth included
All awards are at the Running Room at 711 S Broadway in Rochester


1-10 MALE                                               1-10 FEMALE
1ST Place- Alec Sargent               1st Place- Payton Skogland                                                                        
2nd Place- Ben Nauman        2nd Place- Evelyn Currie
11-12 MALE                                          11-12 FEMALE
1st Place- Carter McKenzie  1st Place-Annika Juenemann
2nd Place- Josh Walsh                          2nd Place- Grace Bain
13-14 MALE                                            13-14 FEMALE
1st Place- Matt Litwiller                      1st Place- Anna Winter
2nd Place- Talon Stromgen
15-16 MALE                                          15-16 FEMALE
1st Place- Tim Entgelmeier                   1st Place- Sam Nauman
2nd Place- Andrew Ekdahl
17-18 MALE                                          17-18 FEMALE
1st Place- Danny Skoglund                  1st Place- Morgan Stewart
2nd Place- John Beckman
19-29 MALE                                          19-29 FEMALE
1st Place- Isaiah Lewis                          1st Place-Michelle Johannsen
2nd Place- Matt McCasland 2nd Place- Kaia Johnson
30-39 MALE                                          30-39 FEMALE
1st Place-Alex Kiel                 1st Place- Tina Turgeon
2nd Place- Coleman Turgeon               2nd Place- Angie Haugen
40-49 MALE                                          40-49 FEMALE
1st Place- Simon Gibbons                     1st Place- Cathy Stone
2nd Place- Matt Frick                            2nd Place- Roxanne Ready
50-59 MALE                                          50-59 FEMALE
1st Place- Mark Milner                          1st Place Sarah Melde
2nd Place- Paul Mullen                         2nd Place Masami Kita
60-69 MALE                                          60-69 FEMALE
1st Place- Terry Severson                    1st Place Sue Christian
2nd Place- John Dinusson
                                                                70-99 FEMALE
                                                1st Place- Carol Preshchar

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

5k Awards are ready

Look at the results on rochestertrackclub.com and if you placed 1st or 2nd in your age group you have an award coming. The awards are at the Running Room store at 711 South Broadway in Rochester. If you are from out of the area e-mail me at jmason@greenway.coop and I'll mail them to you.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Awards for the 10 mile race

Look at the results on rochestertrackclub.com and if you placed 1st or 2nd in your age group you have an award coming. The awards are at the Running Room store at 711 South Broadway in Rochester. If you are from out of the area e-mail me at jmason@greenway.coop and I'll mail them to you.
First place age group winners also receive a Chester Woods Races hand turned, laser engraved pen.


Results for the 50k and 10 mile races are on rochestertrackclub.com I'll  put the 5k results up ASAP. I know there are some people that ran longer whose times are going to be way off. I'll do the best I can to figure them out. Some people ran a short 5k and some ran out to the dam which is about 5+ miles